

  • Thanks. I'll keep going as I'm going. I'm not gaining weight, at least not much to worry about. I'm staying with the 211-213 range. Right now I'm stuck at just over 212lb. Argh!
  • Why not the leg lift? That was one of my primary reasons for getting a work bench so I could work on my legs. Do these types of benches not offer a good enough workout?
  • Bump.
  • Personally, I feel the need to weight myself daily. I've read that it's helpful in seeing trends. When it was my TOM the scale showed I was 3lb heavier, but it came off as quickly as it came on. At least now I'll know for next month this may happen again. :) Thanks for the advice everyone. Believe me when I say I have no…
  • I may have just joined, but I've been trying to lose weight for 2 months. This past month has been with the treadmill and taebo. The previous month I was working on ditching the bad foods and improving my food choices. I have lost some weight. I just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong. If I'm not eating enough…
  • The only thing I don't really measure out are my fruits and vegetables. If I'm eating crackers or pretzels where the package says "x" amount per service, then I actually count them out. Everything else gets weighed, I just don't actually write everything down it's all math in my head and where I don't keep track of the…
  • The chinese food was last night. I was already at a stand still on the scale for 4 days. I've been drinking a LOT of water the past couple of days so hopefully that's helping to clear things out. I'll keep going. I'm not giving in now. :)
  • Well. I'm glad my apparent ignorance is amusing to some.
  • Ok where to start... I read that it's good to weigh in every morning just so you can see how if there are any trends. I was steadily losing weight for several days, even if it were only by ounces. I gained 3lb during my TOM, but then lost when it was through. Now I'll know for next month when it's my TOM that I can expect…
  • Well, I've been doing really good with eating healthy foods since I started. That's not to say I haven't snuck in the ocassional snack cake or cookie, but for the most part I've been doing really, really well. Last night my mom asked me to join her for some chinese food and I accepted. I know I ate too much though. I need…
  • Well, I'm overweight. At my heaviest I was 250lb. My BIG problem was soda. I'd drink 4-6 cans on most days. The worst part is that I'd drink it late at night right before bed so I was never burning any of it off. Binge eating when I was alone was also a problem. Instead of having a handful of chips I had half a bag,…
  • Thanks, I did gain weight earlier this month when it was my TOM, but it came off just as quickly as it showed up. Today is my rest day so I'll see what the scale shows tomorrow. I didn't think a few days would make a plateau, but as I said I was feeling discouraged so I wanted some additional feedback from experienced…
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