

  • I did dvd 7 for the second time today. Still hate all the push-ups but not *as* horribly horrible as the first time. I definitely like dvd 8 ALOT better though.
  • I just did DVD 7 for the first time today, and I'm SOOO glad I came on here to read everyone else's comments. I almost had a mental breakdown over how hard it was but I'm glad it's not just me! My arms are so much weaker than my legs and I've had shoulder injuries, so it's really discouraging when I can't do all the…
  • Thanks for the tips!!
  • Amazing results! You look fab!! I love reading people's success stories, it definitely helps keep me going. Thank you for sharing. I also didn't see much movement on the scale during phase 1, but just started phase 2, so I'm hopeful things will pick up soon! Thanks and congrats again! :)
    in Results Comment by 2007me March 2013
  • I did cardio 2 for the first day today and my heart rate monitor told me I burned 460 calories! I believe it because it was HARD and I sweat buckets! My knees are starting to feel all the jumping though. Does anyone have any recommendations for that? Maybe ice after? I was really scared that phase 2 would kill me, but I'm…
  • Hi All. I just joined MFP. I'm on my last week of Phase 1 of JMBR (3 more days/workouts to go!). I definitely feel stronger, but I've only lost 1.6 lbs so far (and that was all in the kickstart week). I've been good with the workout and eating plan, so I'm a little discouraged with the results. Was anyone else slow to see…
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