sdnwood Member


  • Started taking the green coffee bean stuff on Saturday. I'm not changing anything that I normally do, so we'll see. Also got my husband to try it, and believe me, he is not dieting or exercising. :happy:
  • Weigh in today, 164. Hope to get down to 154 by Thanksgiving. And STAY THERE!!
  • Weigh in on Tuesday, I'll be checking in with everyone then. I feel like having until Tuesday gives me a chance to start getting my eating under control again before I have to bare the ugly truth. I do know my goal weight for Thanksgiving, 155.
  • Hello Everyone. Growing up I was skinny as a rail, but after hitting 40, and several lovely life altering surgeries, my weight is out of control. I joined Myfitnesspal a couple of years ago and did great! Lost all the weight I wanted to, but the last two years have been pretty rough and I'm an emotional eater, so...all…