

  • I'm wondering how tall you are? Perhaps you've lost all the weight your body is meant to lose on a healthy balanced diet. I've read many times that once you get to the weight you should be, it gets harder to lose more weight without taking drastic measures. So perhaps you need to reathink your weight goals. If you are…
  • If you have a lot of weight to lose, I think it's a lot more possible to lose that weight than some people think...and I don't think it requires boot camp either. It does require commitment though. Years ago, I lost over 20 pounds in 6 weeks during Eat to Live. E2L is not for everyone, but a low calorie diet with moderate…
  • My guess is you were having trouble losing weight because you were getting too few calories overall. If were doing 1600 for 4 days, plus 500 on fast days, and 2000 once a week, your weekly calorie intake was 9400. That's an average of 1,343 spread over a 7 day period. If you were working out for an hour 3 times a week--…