

  • thanks for the encouraging words and tips. i think i'll go to the pool today! cheers!
  • i'm pretty sure whole grain is better for you. multi grain can be deceiving. i know that when you look at the ingredients, the 1st one should be wholegrain wheat flour. if it's enriched and fortified flour, they have taken out all the nutrition from it and added parts of the grain back. even a lot of whole wheat breads…
  • hi there. my name is gretchen and i'm trying to start my weight loss journey. my start weight is 210lbs, 5'11". and have ballooned to a size 14-15. my goal weight is 145-150. i'm 28 yrs old. i am getting married next winter in jamaica and really want to look good for my wedding, my future husband and for myself. i want to…