Talaysen Member


  • Right bro, right? You drinkin' that protein bro? Gotta feed the body, bro. Gotta feed the mind, bro. Anyways. Misinformation = 'Bro Science'. It's frowned upon. "It is commonly believed that both tea and coffee are diuretics, because of their caffeine content. However, recent studies show that caffeine is no more diuretic…
  • Meh, really, it happens. I've got two kids both 5 & 7 now, but I can remember when they were 4-6 months old, it's a tough time. Kids don't need a reason to be colicky. Besides, the fact that you're concerned as to whether you're doing a good job as a parent is a very good sign to me, I worry about the ones that don't have…
  • Glad it was useful. @AbsoluteNG - Could you provide something that definitely indicates that eating carbs before bed affects the release of human growth hormones? Everything I've read indicates that concept is a misconception based on incomplete information. A good article on eating carbs at night:…
  • Not to pointlessly revive an old thread, however, I was curious about this same thing, and when I should be eating meals, found a really good article that covers this topic: http://www.acaloriecounter.com/diet/how-many-meals-a-day-when-how-often-should-you-eat/ Really useful information. I was always under the…