

  • That's awesome! You should be proud! I've just started it again myself, I'm hoping I can make myself get through all of it this time. You inspire me :)
  • Tea solves everything! I use a splenda and milk, I used to use sugar until switching, and I did that because I didn't want to give up tea! Being in the States you can only get proper biscuits from specialty stores so I don't always have them to tempt me, when I do I stick them in the freezer both to keep them fresh and to…
  • you look great! There is no reason to shy away from the camera any more!
  • That is wonderful, you're a kindred spirit for sure! For my first attempt to lose weight I did it to look better in a Doctor Who Costume (old school Who: Sharaz Jek from the Caves of Androzani, 5th Doctor). Now I'm doing it too look better in my Amy Pond costume and my John Watson costume.