

  • Remember this is a lifestyle change! You don't just get skinny, or just get in shape! Is it a lifestyle change. The gym is for EVERYONE! Short, tall, skinny, fat, muscled up and crippled. Everyone has a goal and guess what ,the goal is the SAME! To get and STAY in shape. I am 5'1 and 125lbs. I have every right to be in…
  • HI name is Ann......and No, extra protein will not hender your weightloss, it will HELP. If I were you I would add a complete protein such as egg whites or whey protein to your breakfast instead of just cereal. Cereal alone could be hendering your weighloss. Give me a litle more info about that meal and I can…
    in Protein Comment by Pressly February 2011
  • I do a Shakeology Cleanse! Its fun, easy and very effective! :