

  • I, too, am an ice cream addict. But here is something I have found that helps me to enjoy what I love while cutting back: Most ice cream servings are 1/2 cup, right? What I do is spoon a half cup of ice cream into a plastic measuring cup (the 1/2 cup one). It is full, which makes my brain think I am eating much more than I…
  • I am 5' 7.5", and my long-term goal is about 150-160. I have always been overweight, so I don't know what my type is! To be honest, I would be happy with pretty much anything but what I am now.
  • Land Of The Lost
  • Wow, that's a really great way of looking at it, and very true! I am so grateful for all the support, and to know that I am not crazy here!!!
  • Wow, thanks, those are some great tips! I hadn't heard about burning more calories by doing cardio in intervals, but it is worth a shot! I will probably be doing the same as you, Puggleperson, by doing a cheat meal (in moderation!). It will be almost impossible to log all that into the calorie counter anyway, too many…
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