IamRachaelLea Member


  • Such powerful advice from all of you. Thank you. I decided to dust myself off, get out in the sun today, as it's beautiful where I am, and meet some new people. I was invited on a whim, and while I wanted to stay home and feel sorry for myself, i decided... get up and move your *kitten*. So I'm going :)
  • I sit here... beyond moved. Good tears I think. Inspired to keep going. I spend most of my life being "the strong one", the one "who inspires others", the woman who people think "she's got it all going on"...and there are very few forums, where I feel ok, to just be me. Being in the "somewhat public eye"...its hard to say…
  • You're right. Another 10 years would be GASTLY! I feel empowered. You are all awesome... I am feeling a lot less sad, since reading all these notes. xo
  • I love this community, i don't know why I didn't join and start talking sooner. Thank you all.
  • You're so correct. I often realize that he spends so much time teasing me, that he himself has a lot of insecurities, but I pass it on as cockiness. Friends have had, not all but some, a hard time with my transition. So I think it's time to branch out and meet others who are on the same journey. Feels better already!
  • Thank you ladies. I sit here and tears well up. It's funny that this whole weightloss thing is making me really look at myself. I'm generally a strong leader in my community, I'm actually in the performing arts in Toronto, but that's just it. I put up fronts, and rarely allow myself to really look at me. Now I have no…
  • Hey there, It's sometimes one of the most motivating factors, at least for me. My best friend and I call it "negative=positive) taking something you're down about and fueling it to making something positive. Today actually, I sit here feeling angry over some guy...the same guy that got me on this workout kick in the first…
  • Hey Carmen, I was in the same situation as you. Totally addicted to carbs. So much so that I'd trade everything else to have bread. I found the only way for me to stop, was to stop cold turkey. I don't have anything white. I started with bread (my weakness) and after a while, i don't miss it. I mean, don't get me wrong,…