

  • Add in more exercise @ my 3 months I haven't lost a lbs in over a month and I rdi 4 times a week for a total calorie burn of 3,000 cal. But more important to me is not the numbers on the scale it is how you are feeling and how your clothes feel on you, I have kept my old belt I had for 7 years and I just punched hole #7 in…
  • Amazing and congrats on the baby! Just get back into the routine you had before, cut the sugar back and it will start again! Good for you for losing the baby weight, write your goals down and start with some smaller ones and the big ones will catch up!
  • I am one I had my surgery done March 9th, 2013 and I am loving the new lifestyle it has given me. i am down 82lbs and rode my first mountain bike race on Father's day.