To quote Barney Stinson: "when I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead, true story." Yea, I know, it only works for fictional sit-com characters...
Agree with Nancy, is a great site most of the recipes are quick and simple in addition to being low cal/nutritious. Haven't tried a recipe yet that wasn't good!
Thanks for posting, sounds great, always looking for something lo-cal to go with coffee!
Was just say'in to the wife needed to come up with some healthy quick ideas now that I'm on dayshift, will definitely try this, thanks!
US Army 11b, 1986-90.
Beer Pizza Bourbon Cigars Not all at the same time...
Penne pasta with salmon and asparagus is one of our favorites, it's a WW recipe, healthy and easy to make, also makes great leftovers. I don't have the recipe but if you google it you'll find it.
Spaghetti Squash is a great 'sgetti substitute, just don't overcook it or it becomes a mushy mess!!
Plain M&Ms, pizza and beer, but guilt is a relative thing...
The Sopranos Rescue Me The Shield Walking Dead Breaking Bad Limited myself to dramas, comedies would fill another list. I agree with some of the others, Breaking Bad was absolutely top shelf beginning to end while some of these others (except Walking Dead so far) got kind of watered down or tired their last season or two.…
"A General History of the Pyrates" by Daniel Defoe, or not, seems there's confusion as to whether he actually wrote it, as it's going on 300 years since it was written I'm pretty sure the definitive answer is lost. Whoever wrote it lived during the era, so it is pretty accurate although sometimes I need an "English to Ye…
Skim Milk eggs Some fuzz covered unidentifiable leftover in Tupperware (way in the back)
-8 F today in Soo, MI without wind chill, it was -28F last week tho... but still it is colder in Chicago than up here for once!
Go MSU!!!!
Currently in Federal Law Enforcement, but I will retire in just over 3 years and relocate to an undisclosed island in the Caribbean where I plan to become a pirate. I think I'll excel at that, I'm good with firearms, really like rum and had a parakeet as a kid which of course is like a smaller, mentally challenged version…
First I'd yell at my dog for allowing the thing to enter my bedroom. Then I'd send him on the attack to buy me time to retrieve my weapon...I wouldn't use it, I'd sit back and enjoy the epic battle of my 'killer' beagle taking on Mr Ed, 32lbs of fury vs 1500lbs of horse!!
Liver and rocky mountain oysters, ugh, let's just go with no internal or external organs...
what will that mayor of Toronto do next??!?!?!?
Really love real (not microwaved) popcorn, don't have it too often. Pretzels, popchips, raw almonds, raw veggies. I don't make a bunch of single serving bags but I always count out a serving rather than sitting with a entire bag/package of something...
The Magnificint Seven
Easy Rider
Capn Crunch Oops too late--how bout an ipod with a solar charger, fishing pole and a big, floppy hat How much wood does a woodchuck chuck?
"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead, true story." ~Barney Stinson
I envy you, been promising the wife a trip there for 20 years! I spent 44 months there in the 80s (Army). You don't want to miss Heidleburg, great old city with an incredible castle. From there take a driving tour south along the Neckar river, I was told between Heidleburg and Heilbronn to the south there are more castle…
True I've never water skied
False TNP plays a mean air guitar
False I've never been to New York City.
11b was my Army specialty, 'ex' cuz I got out, '90' the year I got out-goofy I know but I can remember it...
I'd make them take me to the all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet and I'd be one slow eating mo-fo...
Because I'm a psycho, er psychic I'd rather say what I'll be having tomorrow night. BWW washed down with lot's of beer! If I skip lunch maybe I can do the 12 piece!