dianad11 Member


  • You will regain weight regardless of what diet you follow if you do not maintain activity and sensible eating. If you use any diet to lose weight and then go back to old habits, you will also go back to your old body. You need to make permanent lifestyle changes to the way you approach your diet. There is no harm in…
  • Incredible! Not only have you lost weight, you look like you have gotten younger! Awesome work!!! wohoo!!
  • I use food logging to help me plan my day or get a general idea of my weekly shopping list. It helps me not only with calories, but as a way to tell what nutrients I am shorting my body. I make adjustments accordingly. Sometimes you gotta give up the blueberries for the Brussels sprouts, dang it! Lol
  • Fat is stored energy that your body can use. It is not as efficient as glucose but when your muscles are active and running low on energy (aka glucose being converted to ATP) they can covert it. Cells that are responsible for providing energy have organelles called mitochondria. The mitochondria are responsible for the…
  • Good, then I can go ahead and lick that helicopter! Heehee I had this and it was not particularly pleasant. The doctor had me on more than one antibiotic back then to rid me of the nasty little intruders. It took awhile for them to diagnose it, too. Hope you feel better soon (you or whomever may have it).
  • No oil, no salt. If I remember right, the eggs are to be boiled as well. Not sure though. I am going to try it for two weeks starting in the morning to see how it goes. Will try to remember to post my results, but I work overnights and sleep a lot so won't post daily. Stocked up on groceries today and am ready to go! My…