

  • I hear you!! When I was younger I got called so many names! my hairs a really bright ginger I think but would love a dark brown ginger! Over the years I've found out most guys have a thing for redheads - finally, we get some recognition!
  • fell off the wagn a bit but i'm back at it now :D
  • Hi, my name is Rebecca I quit my gym because I discovered Jillian Michaels! First try the shred, this is what I described below! You can get most of ehr DVDs for free online but unless you have a smart tv or somewhere good to place your laptop and it has a big screent then I recommebed buying her box set! The 30 day shred…
  • day 5 done! burn fat boost metabolism done, can't believe I made it the whole way through!
  • day 4 of the Jillian Michaels June plan done :-)
  • On day 4 today :-) hadn't done no more trouble zones in about 2 weeks and it absolutely killed me last night! the suns out though and im feeling great, can't wait to do the shred tonight :-)
  • I know how hard it is to build up friends on this amd it's true, doing this with friends on MFP really help :-) they're so inspirational and motivating! I'll post on my wall for people to add you sure :-)
  • Keep it in your diet! I think if you cut out treats entirely then when you finally do have a treat then you will over indulge and go crazy! I love to eat weight watchers brownies, cookies, mini rolls etc! I also love muller light mouse with meringe and strawberris and some white chocolate mikados! mikados are only 11…
  • berriboobear - Nice natural curves! Up the curvies :-D jAZZ0208 - Your facem wee beaut! Also love your hair!
  • About a 5/6! Maybe 7 on a good day
  • Hi, My name is Rebecca, I'm 21 and I live in the UK! Currently at uni but on placement so work 9-5 so Jillians workouts are perfect for me as they are only 25 minutes long! I have tried 30 day shred loads and I finally completed it, I saw great results! only lost about 5lbs but lost 13 inches all over :-) I love NMTZ but…
  • “Quick Trouble Zones” are the circuits/exercises within the “No More Trouble Zones” workout that do NOT require you to get on the floor, ie. floorwork. For example, the circuits or exercises where you have to get on your knees, touch the floor with your hands or sit on the floor you OMIT from the No More Trouble Zones…
  • I was starting the 30 Day shred again last Wednesday so I am going to count Friday as day 1, I had Saturday off due to TOM being a meany and did Level 1 yesterday so I will say that today is now day 3 :-)
  • OK guys, I've just came across the below work out plan for Jillian lovers! It's a June slim down group - if you bored of the shred then maybe give this a go :-) DAY 1 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1 DAY 2 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1 DAY 3 - NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES DAY 4 - 30 DAY SHRED: LEVEL 1 DAY 5 - BANISH FAT, BOOST METABOLISM DAY 6…
  • I am so in! I've just started the 30 day shred again but I know I'll get bored and I love Jillian and I own al these DVDS :-)
  • Hi, my name is Rebecca The 30 day shred is from Jillian Micahels and its only 25 mins long! I think all 3 levels are on youtube for free but I have the DVD. I got a box set of hers for around £20 on Amazon - well worth the buy! I have some hand weights too, you will need these (1kg-3kg), I had never used weight before so I…
  • yeah, I think the exercising every day is a complete nightmare and I'm so afraid to miss a day of it! everyone says your not supposed to exercise every day and you need rest days but I'm afraid if I only exercise 4 times a week that won't be enough and I'll take more rest days than I'm supposed to! I have been a little bad…
  • yeah, we pretty much want to lose the same amount of weight also! weird lol! good to have people on here tho that are the same as you because you can work together and if someone my original size has reacted my goal size then I know it's do able! Mother Nature is killing me right now, craving so much junk food! hoping to…
  • level 1, day 4 done and also 30 minutes on the cross trainer :-) feeling good! weights away because of TOM so hopefully it's down next week! x
  • supposed to be day 4 today but my period is kicking me up the face today :-( so so drained, no energy at all, such bad cramps too and can't stop throwing up! just sticking under my calories and drinking as much water as possible! absolutely hating myself I can't do it today but I'm being honest writing on here, not gonna…
  • I'm 5 foot 5 inches I think! yeah, I've changed my mentality about inches and pounds! I still wanna lose 10-14lbs but if I lose more inches and look good then I'll accept 7-10lbs :-)
  • wow guys, so many responses! it's great to hear that your all so enthusiastic :-) you don't have to post measurements, I just did it because I know if I went on weight alone then I wouldn't have been happy! but take your own meausurements in whatever places you want! also, take progress pictures! I'm currently on my Tom so…
  • forgot to say, NMTZ is all toning so there's no crazy cardio! actually, I don't think there's any cardio which is great lol
  • great idea posting your measurement :-) so it's 9pm here, got home at 8pm and did my shred wooo, nearly half way through level 1 already! since your holidays in 6 weeks, why not try her 6 week 6 pack or no more trouble zones? NMTZ is like 50 minutes but if you did 3 circuits one night, the reaming 4 the next and had a day…
  • Me and my boyfriend used to run at the weekends but I hate running now and I need to do the shred, can't miss a day already! Amm.. I never really eat out because I'm too afraid to! I'd say maybe a burger minus the bun and have potatoes or something?
  • On day 3 today and it's Friday! I think Fridays are the worst because I walk to work so cant get up another hour before I already do to do it and I have to drive home for the weekend which is 90 minutes away and I never feel like working out :-( Going to walk home and hopefully get it over and done with and then pack up my…
  • no, if course there's no right way! you could do level 3 for 30 days if you want! just go at your own pace whether that's 5 or 15 days at level 1! some people may think level 1 is easy and won't make any change but for others, it can make a huge difference as its a completely different way of exercising and their body is…
  • yeah, my knee gave my trouble in level 2 and I got really worried about it and thought I'd damaged it but I was just added in some light walking and I was fine in level 3! it's the lunges that do it! I'm awful at them because I can't balance at all but she digs them too much! if the pain gets unbearable then take a rest…
  • I also saw results at the end of level 1, no change in level 2 and then a big change in level 3! And I also gained the first week of doing it too so don't be discouraged :-) I'm sick of the shred and Jillian but it works and it's only 25 minutes, I couldn't ask for more! We can do this everyone :-D