

  • i'm sure the water bottle nonsense IS some sort of violation, but word on the street is that the principal has people in the union and every time someone goes to the union about something, she hears about it and then you're on "the list." i would SO leave if i didn't love the kids and the rest of the people i work with! i…
  • i also just joined last week. a few people have commented about WW. i've noticed that this is VERY similar to the WW site, only instead of logging points, it's calories! also, it's that's a big draw for me! i was actually going to rejoin WW in february, but a friend of mine is on MFP, so i thought i'd give it a…
  • oh...i will say that for some reason, drinking water is frowned upon at my school. one teacher had it written in her review last year that "this is not a park, and water bottles are unacceptable." she immediately called her doctor who gave her an excuse and basically prescribed her to drink as much water as she needed to…
  • i am in my 6th year teaching as well. i did my student teaching in a middle school reading/english class, but now i teach 3rd-5th kids with severe cognitive delays in a self contained room. i would not give up my job for the world! i guess all in all, i have it pretty easy. i have an assistant, so i can go to the bathroom…
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