

  • Thanks so much. Jackie
    in Progress Comment by jackeblu July 2007
  • This is great! What a fabulous tool! I've lost 5 lbs this week and am so motivated. I know it is water weight but who cares. It keeps me motivated and that's what matters. Hope everyone is doing great this week. Jackie
    in Progress Comment by jackeblu July 2007
  • I've been on my diet for two days and actually gained a lb. YEEZZZZ I am motivated though. This site is great. It is so easy to keep track of cals, carbs, etc. I actually couldn't wait to get home tonight to key everything in. Here it is almost 9:30 and I still have 500 cals to go if I want to. Don't think I will though.…
  • Hey congrats on the no smoking! I'm a smoker and haven't found the motivation yet to quit. Also congrats for getting right into a weight loss program before the weight starts coming on. I've known too many people who gain so much weight when they quit. Keep up the good work! Jackie
    in hi to all Comment by jackeblu July 2007
  • I think you're right about balance. It's hard to do though. Especially the exercise part. I have a treadmill and stationary bike at work and I think I'll go in early to use them before the place opens up. I've never really tried the suppressants. I'm not sure how they work but I do think if you use this tool for tracking…
  • Hi! You are so right. I've tried induction again so many times without losing much. The first time I was on it I lost 13 lbs the first two weeks. It was so easy to stay on Aitkins and I lost 103 lbs. Then when I started not keeping track and "allowing" myself things I hadn't had in years, the weight started creeping back…
  • OK I'm starting a new "diet" right now! I logged into this website having never used it before. It's great! I've already logged in breakfast and love the way it keeps track. I can now see what I have left for the day rather than trying to keep track in my head. Obviously that doesn't work! I'm 50 years old and three years…
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