MarciaMae Member


  • You sound exactly like me. I workout, eat clean all week, then Friday comes along and my whole week is undone. My current habits have me maintaining. I'm not overweight, but would still like to lose some weight and I know I'm going to have to change my weekend eating in order to do so. As for food ideas, I get most of my…
  • First of all, you are brave for taking on Insanity. I did it a couple years ago and it kicked my butt. Remembering back, I had problems with finding shoes too. I bought a pair of cross trainers just for Insanity, but eventually discovered my runners were better. The more cushion the better. With all the jumping, just try…
  • I am starting out at about your weight, and I'm also 5'4". I'd like to get down to the 120's but for the life of me can't get there. I just lose motivation. I also need buddies, so far I have one, so feel free to add me.