

  • I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm no expert, but I ran my first marathon last year and have done many other long-distance multisport events and long trail runs up to 50k. Honestly, I don't think I've ever done a 40 mile week. I'm lucky to maybe get in the 30-35 range a few weeks but I do crosstrain a lot with cycling. I've…
  • You'll finish even if you previous longest run is only 10 miles. Time will go by quicker during the race and you'll be distracted a lot more. Plus, at that point, what would your other option be? Stopping? Walking the rest? Either way you will finish and you'll push yourself to finish.
  • I've never called it a turbo trainer but I'm guessing you mean just like a bike trainer? I initially bought a cheap one and only used it for one winter before I upgrade to a Kurt Kinetic road machine which I love. I could feel the difference in the resistance between the two. I also use TrainerRoad for all my trainer rides…
  • Some of those guys are sprinting off at the start for a race strategy. I know for any 5k around here that my husband thinks he can win, he will make sure to start especially fast for the first half mile or so just to see who is going to try to hang or to see how fast the competition will be running. I'm only a mere mortal…
  • It depends on what kind of knee pain you have really. I had knee pain for a while last year after running a trail half-marathon. It continued on and off for months with me trying various remedies. Eventually I picked up an IT band strap and used that on all my runs until the pain stopped. Even now, I use it on my long runs…
  • Totally off topic here, but it took 3 years of running for me to be able to break 25 mins for my 5k time. Us slow blokes start off a lot slower than you may think
  • These kind of studies hurt my head. I should know to stop reading when the article says things like "But you can get those same health benefits (and more) with much shorter, much more exciting, and invigorating workouts." "Over the course of this one year study, subjects performed aerobic exercise for 60 minutes a day, 6…
  • Don't go out too fast and nothing new on race day. There is no "good" time. A good time for me would be sub 2 hours while a good time for my husband would be sub 1:20. Good is whatever you can finish at and be willing to do it again someday.
  • As counterintuitive as it seems, plushy and wide is bad at least for road bike riding. I'm not sure which kind of bike you are talking about, but on a road bike you need to be sitting and putting pressure on your sit bones. For this to be achieve, you want usually thin and hard. You also probably need good bike shorts when…
  • I've never tensed nor not tensed my abs. I just run. I do notice though that after very hard races (especially distance races) that my abs are pretty sore for a few days. I do try to make sure I'm not overextending my legs and that I'm am landing with my center of gravity over my foot, but I never pay attention to my abs.
  • TITS (time in the saddle), good bike shorts, adjusting the bike so that you are sitting on it correctly, weight loss, and some kind of skin protectant (chamois cream, aquaphor, really even petroleum jelly) will all have the possibility to make saddle time more comfy. You just have to figure out what combination of…
  • Not sure how long you have been running but 5 mph is not terrible, especially for those of us who aren't natural runners. You won't be last at that speed. Also, if that's what you ran for a 11.5 mile run in training, you will be able to run faster than that for the half even with it being a longer distance. Even if by some…
  • I would be careful with doing too many 20+ long runs especially if you haven't been running that long. For my first marathon, I cut myself out at one 3 hour run prior to training and I was fine. I went by time rather than distance because I am a slow runner and wanted to keep my longest run under 3 hours due to the…
  • I've always been average size and cannot touch my toes even after 2 years of yoga. My husband is quite muscular and has always been able to put his palms on the ground but then again can't do other poses due to his body being so thick. I would think it has very little to do with thinness/fatness but the sheer size of a…
  • Started out 3 years ago not being able to run a single block without feeling like I was going to die. I completed the C25K program and now I can run! I now run at least a mile everyday (running streak of 455 days) with my regular run being 3 miles. I try to keep my normal weekly mileage around 20-25 miles a week in…
  • Sounds like a tune up form a local bike shop would be very good for you and would probably fix your shifting issues. As for the tires, I would never use anything but some kind of hand pump as I would be afraid to blow my tires. If your tubes are losing air that quickly, you probably have a leak and should probably replace…
  • Farting while running is expected and at least for me, usually makes me feel better. What is not as nice of a situation is when you think you might poop yourself. Last running race we did, my husband actually thought he did! I'll take just farting any day.
  • This is specifically why I go to a doctor that does both sports medicine and general health. Not saying your doctor is wrong but I've always felt some doctors are quick to blame exercise. I like a doctor who understands that I run and I will continue running and that a valid solution to any health problems I may have is…
    in Bad news. Comment by cwsikes August 2013
  • Seconding the opinion that you shouldn't be feeling that way after 4 miles. I don't start thinking about taking in nutrition unless I'm going to be running for over 90 minutes. I may carry water if it's a particularly hot day for anything over an hour. When I do use gels, I basically use whatever I have in my workout…
  • I've been running for 3 years now. I started out really hating it because I was terrible at it. I've slowly (very slowly) gotten better but still mostly hated it. I've always kept at it because I wanted to be a runner and was pretty convinced that eventually I could become one. In the past year or so, I've finally started…
  • Ouch. If this were true about my marriage, I don't think I would have a very happy marriage. My husband and I go through life together and that includes our fitness/health. The other day I ran for an hour straight for the first time after 3 years of running, and the first thing I did was tell him. If anything, he was just…
  • I ride Flo 60s on my tri bike with an aero wheel cover in the back while my husband rides a 60 Flo front and a rear Flo disc. We've had them since April and have no complaints. We ride them for all of our training rides outside and feel that they are durable, fast, and look pretty nice also. Pair them with some Conti GP…
  • Having a partner that has done this all with me, not restricting certain foods, making small changes, learning how to suffer, learning that the scale number is not everything, learning to not drink my calories....except for liquor
  • Both. If you are already at 3 days a week for running, add a fourth day. After your are super comfortable with 4 days a week, add a fifth. You can also designate one day a week as a "long" run. Every week try to make your long run slightly longer than the last week, and then every few weeks take a break from the long run.…
  • Also remember on the bike you can ride a lot harder and more frequently and not get injured like with running. Also remember you have to be able to run after that bike :)
  • You don't need sprints, intervals, ladder training, or anything of the sorts at this point. Run more, mostly slow, sometimes fast. When you get tired of that, run more, mostly slow, sometimes fast. It may not sound fancy but it doesn't need to be. I used to run 11-12 minute miles and now run 8-9 minute miles simply by…
  • I just googled this store and I would be 99% that they don't. You would need to go to a running specific store. I just profile stalked you slightly to see where you are and it seems like it might be a little bit of a trip for you to get to an actual running store. You could use something like an online helper like the one…
    in Running Comment by cwsikes August 2013
  • RunningWarehouse for most of my running shoe and running apparel purchases. There is always either a 10% or 15% off coupon and shipping is always free. They also send out great reusable shopping bags if you purchase over a certain amount!
  • I have 6 or 7 right now that are all the same style. I love this style and can only find them at TJ Maxx so every time I see one I just buy it because I know eventually they will stop having them. I also work out everyday and have some seriously stinky sweat so having lots is a plus.
  • Run/walk works for all distances. I ran my first marathon last year using a 2.5 min run / 30 sec walk I think and easily finished. I just did a 10 mile race the other day with a .65 mile run / .1 mile walk break. Just figure out what ratio works for you and be willing to adjust based on distance, temperature, etc. When you…