

  • I quit smoking and took up endurance running at the same time. There's no chance I could gain weight even if I tried (which I'm actively doing). And no, smoking doesn't burn 200kcal a day. Not a chance.
  • Two things. Firstly there's no way you gained weight on a 1400kcal diet. You're not tracking your calories correctly. Secondly you might want to consider that you may have psychological body image issues. At your height/weight you are in good shape. You look very thin in your profile pictures.
  • You seriously must be joking. The first link you provided cites no sources and just throws out claims as facts to be believed on faith. It refers to the IT band as "the outside of the thigh" (wrong), it calls stretching "very beneficial" (wrong). It makes the claim, "your IT Band will loosen up" which makes no sense in the…
  • This is almost certainly a combination of 'regression to the mean' and 'post hoc ergo propter hoc'. You probably never had a serious IT band problem, you just had a slight over-training injury or similar (very much more common than a serious IT band injury). When the injury was at or near its worst is when you decided to…
  • The IT band is not a tendon. Not only is there ABSOLUTELY NO evidence that it helps IT band problems, but there's not even a theoretical reason why it should. Please do some very basic research on the anatomy of the IT band and answer the following 2 questions for me: 1. How does the foam roller stretch the IT band? Just…
  • This is one of the dumbest exercise fads yet.
  • I run 60+km a week. I have never and will never stretch or "warm up". Why? Because the evidence doesn't support it.
  • Yes you can very easily be ready by then and no you won't need to walk any of it. How ridiculous. You have 13 weeks to prepare, this is more than enough time to go from 5km to 21.1km if you're dedicated.
  • Ah yup, definitely looks like bad data. This is my first time using a HRM so it looked ok to me, but yours are definitely smoother. I'll tighten it up a bit more next time, thanks!
  • I use the strap. I haven't checked the battery in the strap but it seems to work fine - if you look at the data it recorded the full run with no wild swings or drop-outs in HR. Thanks for the info on the algorithm scott81, that's really interesting but I don't think it accounts for my issue - 270 calories for 21km is…
  • Uploading to Endomondo seemed to just pass the watch's calculation through to Endomondo instead of recalculating. That's a really awesome feature though.
  • Sweet corn & chili chowder.