Shake hands
He wouldn't use his penis pumping system
5.5/10/5 homo
If she doesn't mind someone 11 years younger than I'd think so
She mirin
BBC/10 Strong avi
brb using imagination since no avi
She spent all her time posting on MFP
Discuss the contributing factors behind the 2007 crisis
^wk of peace
I hope not
make beautiful babies
hide yo kids, hide yo wife
Because he skipped posts
She tried to stick a finger in my pooper
I've heard mean
elbows too pointy, 6/10
brb using imagination since no face
sit at home and misc while drinking whiskey so a typical saturday night
don't be a muppet darling
nikks das 4 words
Needs an extra pair of high heels
Marry, divorce, and take half her money