

  • Ha, I thought I was going crazy, just got my fitbit one on Friday. I did the sleep tracking and then Saturday morning I forgot to take it out of the wrist pocket thingy, worked out with the wrist pocket thingy on and started freaking cause the fitbit one said 1.05 miles vs my elliptical said 3.64. Today, much better,…
  • I know how you feel...I am a is actually getting easier because I am working and where I work they server breakfast, so I've noticed if I eat more protein in the mornings and drink more water, I am less likely to snack after dinner. I'm diabetic as well ...mind you not a very good diabetic, but everyday is…
  • HA, Jenna, I hope that's your name...If I were to follow your theory that two days "ruins" ones weight loss ...I am soooo in Let's see.. I had Dairy Queen - Medium Double Fudge Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizard on Monday, 5 possibly six slices of Pepperoni & Sausage Pizza on Thursday, and last night I had…