

  • Oh and I forgot, I'm already dreading when the bags upon bags of Candy Corn start hitting the shelves, little perfect triangles of orange, yellow and white heaven. You've been so good to me all these years but sadly I need to move on from your temptations. I can't stop at one, let alone one bag.
  • Oreos, my beloved ores! I could eat them all day everyday. My kids love them too and I've had to stop buying them because I will eat them.....all.
  • I would make small goals for yourself. The first 5 pounds etc, it seems overwhelming to look at it all, so breaking it down into small goals might help. Second don't deprive yourself, if you want chips ,candy etc, work it into your diet plan within reason. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Start small, a 10 minute walk a few…
  • I would love to! Accountability is huge or else I find myself eating what I shouldn't.
  • Hi I'm Shannon. I'm a sahm with 4 kids, 2 boys and two girls ages 13, 11, and 6 year old twins. I just started this and hope to become more healthy and fit. I'm down 2 pounds so far from 150-148