

  • Hey we all have set backs, the key is not to let the set backs be the reason you give up completely. You just have to look at what went wrong and adjust. Sometimes things in life set us back. I was doing good and then had to travel for work and just being out of my normal routine threw me off, I wasn't able to make my own…
  • What about an instant Oatmeal? I have some that I keep in my desk drawer. It's great because you just add some hot water and mix. Obviously not the same as the regular good ol home cooked, but works just the same. Sometimes you just don't have time to cook, or deal with the mess.
  • Welcome...this site is great and everyone has been so encouraging. Keep a positive attitude and you can do anything. Just remember we are all on the same struggle as you, so look for support when your down.
  • I am the same. I feel cold all the time too. In my feet and hands as well. Weird...wonder what it's caused from?
  • I just joined a week ago. But I am the same way with snacking, I love chips and all the bad salty foods. My doctor gave me a good idea and I started it about 4 weeks ago, she said to have a cheat day. So on Sunday, which is also my rest day from exercise, I eat whatever I want...literally. Fast food, junk food, whatever.…