bump 2
Handsome dude!
I am in a similar position actually! 20 years old and have never had a girlfriend... But I try to live my life and enjoy my friends and family and try not to think about it too much and hope that one day it will work out for me!
Regardless thanks for the compliment :) Not used to compliments on my clothing choices
Lol thats a few for me at once. Dress as in dress well?
Can't see much in that picture lol so can't say for sure. Seems like you are a good-looking dude though!
Was not sure if that was for me or @runner lol but definitely hot to Miss Hodge :)
Not, sorry man
Hmm, was going to say a similar thing for you bro!
9 for @Bibliotrecho!
Hello there! New to this group (via word of mouth) and was curious as to how the body fat estimate for this photo? In this picture I am not flexing or anything (this was from about 2 weeks ago so may look slightly different than this now).
Yeah not doing that sorry lol
Probably not
Hey man, your progress is fantastic! You definitely look a little bit more muscular in the second photo :)
Hot once again ;)
Definitely hot!
She has an awesome smile Short skirts Cute butt
Probably not lol
Not to me but maybe to the ladies? ;)
Not my type man, sorry