

  • You guys are amazing. SERIOUSLY! The help and hope you guys have given me that I can eat and lose weight is amazing. BaconMD- "Based on your information your details, the TDEE calculator puts your daily calorie requirement at 2658" Thank you so much for your support man, it means so much. You're fantastic! Athena98501 -…
  • BaconMD - Embarrassingly enough, I guess MFP had me set as a female when I joined so it had me at 1200 calories to lose 2lbs a week. OOPS! Now it's up to 1390 now that I changed it in my profile settings. Even if I'm not that active, (I exercise on my elliptical 30 minutes a day on average which burns 200 cal) I should be…
  • LittleMissLisa- I completely agree. I'm so nervous to eat because I feel like even a few calories will make me gain weight. I'm overweight now at 190lbs at 5'10, but I used to be 110lbs at 5'10 when I was completely anorexic (I'm a male so that was a really low weight). It's hard because even though I'm overweight I still…
  • That is EXACTLY how it is with me! I'm a very "all or nothing" type of person. It's either I'm overeating or undereating. It's a struggle to realize that I have to feed my body to lose weight when it just seems the easiest thing to do is starve myself. I'll continue the struggle by gradually upping my calories which will…
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