Samstan101 Member


  • I do TDEE so average the calorie burn over the week. I run 30-35 miles a week and will be ramping it up as am training for my 1st marathon in April. I try to eat slightly under (100-200 cals a day) so if I'm really hungry after my long run I can have a bit extra. I've lost almost 140lbs so far (25lbs ish to go) doing this…
  • I started it at 300lbs in Apr-13. I couldn't do 3 sessions a week as it hurt my knees so did 2 a week and cross trained (swim/ bike/ ellptical) on other days. Take it slow (in terms of running speed) and your fitness & stamina will increase quickly. I found that the thought of having to repeat the whole session was a great…
  • Silly question may be but with the knuckle lights do you have to hold them so its like carrying something? I hate even wearing gloves when I run as like my hands free. (sorry for the slight hijack OP). I run with a headtorch and have found some slight issues with depth perception, less so with solid things like potholes…
  • I'm a runner and I've been taking Glucosamine with MSM for abou 18months and it seems to make a difference. If I go a couple of days not taking them I find my knees are stiffer (especially on stairs) and click more. Having read around I don't see any serious side effects but the science behind their effectiveness is mixed.…
  • If you don't enjoy the gym what exercise do you enjoy? If you like team sports find a local team and join up - you'll want to go as you'll enjoy the exercise, the social side and also won't want to let your team mates down. You may find then that you want to go to the gym to improve your fitness for your chosen sport.
  • After 6 HM's in 2014 I'm training for my 1st marathon in April. My rest days depending on how I feel. If I have a few niggles then I sometimes have a complete rest day, if I feel ok then I'll either do weights/ stretches/ body weight exercises or if I fancy cardio go for a swim or bike ride. I try to avoid leg impact stuff…
  • Pretty much the same for me and also swam quite a lot starting in Apr-13. Done 6 half marathons in 2014 and have 2 marathons in the diary for this year. Most importantly though is find something you enjoy as you're more likely to stick with it. I gave everything 4 weeks as knew I was very unfit so anything was going to be…
  • My goal at the start of 2014 was 750 miles but didn't realise then how important running would become to me. I ended the year with 1221.1 miles clocked (would have reached 1300 if not for the 'flu in Dec which knocked me flat for a couple of weeks). I'm not setting a target for 2015 but have a spring & autumn marathon in…
  • Thank you. If someone had told me 12months ago that I'd love running and getting the improvements I have had I wouldn't have believed them. Its a total addiction that 2015 will hopefully cement further. I just need a lottery win now to a) afford the kit I want and b) work is getting in the way of my training LOL
  • 2014 has been a great first year running for me and the progress I've made has amazed & thrilled me (5k from 33:59 to 24:34, 10k 1:14:23 to 52:22 and HM from 2:40:10 to 1:55:17 and run 1162 miles to date plus lost another 49lbs). My race diary for 2015 already has a fair few entries so no.1 objective is to stay injury free…
  • So what happens when you stop your diet? Or are you intending using the products for life, and what happens if the Co. doesn't exist in 10 years time? Thanks but I'll stick to a lifestyle change that involves real food of all types but in moderation (135lbs down with around 20 to go eating in a way I can happily sustain…
  • Congrats! I'm in a very similar place - started running about 14 months ago and have done 6 HM's this year (I love them!). Found out on Friday I've got a place in London through my Running Club so excited & nervous in equal measures. I'm signed up for a 12hr ultra in the summer so better crack on with my long runs lol Hope…
  • prdavies - if you're looking for a fast parkrun come on up to Tredegar at Parc Bryn Bach. Its a flat asphalt path around the lake and a smaller field than Cardiff (come ay hi if you do :) ) Ran my 6th Half of the year (and ever!) today running circuits of the Donington Race track. Previous PB was set at Cardiff HM in Oct…
  • Thanks both :) I'm certainly not looking for any medals just to make sure I finish having done at least 30miles!
  • Firstly look at how much you're eating - if you're tired and starving then may be you're not eating enough. I'm eating 2000 cals a day and still losing on average 1lb a week (and am 25lbs from target) and despite running 30-35miles a week plus a couple of cross training sessions I've very rarely been starving in the…
  • Not such long distance but a first for me - 10 mile multi terrain with everything from forest track to beach apparently. Slightly nervous as never done off road before.
  • I'd be asking the trainer why low carb especially when you're planning a lot of cardio. You don't need to cut out whole food groups to lose weight and unless you intend eating ultra low carb as a way of life then why do it now. Just seems counter intuitive to me. I'm naturally suspicious as most trainers I've met had no…
  • Would also agree, you're not burning through your glycogen store in 5mins. I only have extra carbs before Half Marathon distance runs and above and then only 2-300 cals. Its far more likely that your muscles aren't used to running after such a long lay off. I'd suggest slowing your run down a bit and push through the legs…
  • All of this except the second part of point 3. Massively except 3 in my case! As a now 42 (then 40 coming up for 41) y-o the morbidly obese woman running was my saviour and my life changer. Do what you want which may or may not include running, skipping or hopping around your kitchen! The key is to listen to your body -…
  • Well done on your gym commitment. As above I'd suggest switching to heavy weights (for you) as you want to retain as much muscle mass as possible whilst losing weight (don't worry about getting 'bulky' as its almost impossible to gain muscle eating at a deficit and anyway its difficult for women to gain significant muscle…
  • I started at your weight with swimming & brisk walking along with elliptical trainer at the gym. I then started running using the C25K programme but took it much slower than the 3 sessions a week (usually only 1 or 2) but made sure I did some sort of exercise every day. 18months on I'm down 133lbs and have run a number of…
  • Richard Burton 10k. Was hoping for my first sub 55min (PB stood at 56:17) but wasn't sure if it was doable on an undulating course with a twinging calf & thigh. I have no idea where it came from but blasted it and finished in 52:03 (my watch, still waiting for the official results)
  • LOL, that sums it up brilliantly! I'd recommend not reading ahead and just follow her instructions, as you get further in its easy to freak yourself out before you even start. And the other thing is to stick with it, it really works! I started it in around May last year and it took me about 4-5 months to complete it. I ran…
  • I guess it depends on your level of fitness and current 5k time. Personally, as its my first year running I am still knocking big chunks off PBs at all my distances on a fairly regular basis. At the start of Oct I took 8mins off my HM PB (2:06:24) on a Sunday and the following Sat 54s off my 5k PB (and since taken another…
  • Add me to the 'don't like walking' group. I've done 5 HM's this year (one more in 3 weeks) having only started running last year (my first proper run with other people was a year ago today - 5k parkrun). My training is basically a couple of runs during the week that one will be 5 or 6 miles at a steady pace, the other is…
  • Richard Burton 10k, will be trying for a PB (but its a hilly course so may struggle).
  • Are you weighing, measuring and logging everything you eat? If not how do you know that you aren't over-eating and what the right portion size is?
  • I run, it may take a mile, it may take me 10 but I always find at some point my mind clears and the stress goes. I either find a solution to a problem or it becomes less important with each step and breathe. I guess its kind of a meditation for me.
  • You are already at least 5lbs underweight, why on earth would you want to lose more? Would suggest you go speak to your Dr.