

  • 1.Lays Potato Chips 2. Skinny Cow Chocolate Truffle Ice Cream 3. Pistachios 4. Potato Sticks 5. Fritos Mild Cheddar Cheese Dip I will literally eat the whole bag of chips w/half the can of cheese dip...Ice Cream/2 bars in one sitting...pistachios/the whole bag, potato sticks/the whole bag!!! Never bring them to my house…
  • I just started doing that a few days ago. It really has helped me keep on track knowing the amount of weight i can lose (MFP estimate at end of entry for day) at the end of 5 weeks. When I didn't plan ahead it kept fluctuating and I was a bit discouraged, Planning the meal ahead keeps you on track, at least for me it does.…
  • I posted in response to Marybeth...in addition to that keep in mind to drink at least 64 oz of liquid...this will keep you from being hungry as much. Another thing to remember is not to drink anything while eating...wait the 20-30 minutes so the food can process easier.
  • I had it done about 10 years ago and lost 105 lbs. I started out strong but after approximately 8 months it stopped then picked up again very slowly. The total amount of weight loss is usually within 18 months so don't worry..you will lose more. But in answer to your question as the doc suggested to me once is to go back…