foodsafetyguru Member


  • It's totally normal to walk every now and then. Everybody has their good days and bad...don't let a need to walk get in your way. Just getting out and moving is the key. Keep that up...weight loss and better health will not be far behind.
  • Excellent response badger! 1 stamper...weight loss is not a black and white issue and is a dynamic process. eating too few Calories may result in weight loss in the short term...but it's not sustainable if you're exercising. MFP recomendations are subject to some error, but is much more accurate than a blanket 1200 kcal…
  • The short answer is...water in itself does not help you lose weight. However, without water you won't lose weight at all. Water does a lot of things such as: - Helps transport nutrients - Allows you to regulate body temperature - Allows your body to metabolize nutrients effectively - Allows you to exercise longer before…
  • This is a fad, not true. Each food item has its strengths and weaknesses. Red meat is good for moderation. Heme iron is abundant in red meat which is essential for red blood cells. As with any food...if youeat too much there will be repercussions since it tends to be higher in fat, etc. As a rule, i tend to not…
  • Grilled verde Chicken, wild rice and a salad of parsley, tomato and's awesome!
  • You're doing great! 1 - 2 pounds/week is the most you should be losing per week anyway. Anything more than that gets into the unhealthy level. As your body loses fat and gains muscle, the actual weight loss will reduce, but that doesn't mean you're not losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat so you just aren't seeing the…
  • I'm a roman gladiator...and this is my arena :)
  • One more point about coffee (caffeine). Caffeine normally stimulates a hormone called ADH (Vasopressin) which makes you urinate. When exercising, the blood flow to kidneys is decreased to 3% of normal so caffeine doesn't act as a diuretic during exercise.
  • Hi, The answer is yes. Water from any food counts toward your water requirement. The 8-8oz glasses recomendation is just that...a recomendation. Everyone's water intake is unique, but every food/drink has some portion of water in it which your body will use. Lettuce, coffee, milk, soup, even hamburger buns...have some…