Over 40 hear and also live in the cold northwest part of Ohio. Would be willing to be your cheer leader. I have a goal in my mind but it is such a challenge.
Im right with you I also ddid low carb lost about 100 and got lazy didnt stay focused and i put some back on. My husband and I are doing this together so hopefully I can get back to where I was a keep working you did it once yit again stay positive you can do it
Dont give up change up your excersise and add more vegetables. Brocolli seems to help me when I plateau. if you can alternate and start doing a run walk. i walk a set of road to road and then jog a road to roadd. just changing up your excersise routine might just help
I too just joined in January after visiting with my Doctor. I had already lost about 100 pounds but started to put a few of the pounds back on so I needed something that would tell me I was cheating. Since I have joined on the 18th I have lost 7 pounds. I am now ready to continue on this journey of getting healthy. Count…