

  • I am allergic to dairy...so I have tried several types. I use either rice milk or So Delicious unsweetened or original coconut milks. For my coffee, I use So Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer. I stay away from the soy products, so these are great!
  • I am sure it is sugar....I went through a week of only raw foods and juice, and you do do through a sugar withdrawal within the first couple of days.....
  • I stopped drinking caffeine when I was expecting my first. That was 13 years ago....The only time I may have caffeine is in hot tea, not a lot.....maybe twice a week, and any chocolate. Good luck!!!
  • I make tacos using this recipe: Brown 1½ lb ground beef Add the following ingredients: 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp garlic salt 2 tsp chili powder ½ tsp cumin dash pepper 2 cans tomato sauce My kids love it!!! I also use Boca brand crumbles instead of the ground beef. The kids and hubby know when I replaced the beef when I eat…
  • I love my RGP....I have had them since I was 16. I am now 42. The reason I have RGP is the astigmatism. My sight is very nearsighted and I cannot do laser surgery. I wear them all day long and have no problems. Good luck with any contacts!!
  • Hang in there!! I have been caffeine free since my second child....that was ten years ago.....
  • There is also rice milk.....unsweetened or vanilla. I use rice milk in baking.....
  • LOVE mashed cauliflower!!!
  • I use So Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer in my coffee. It is both dairy and soy free. For 1 Tbsp, it is only 10 calories with no fat. I make decaf coffee, add one packet of stevia and 2 Tbsp of creamer.....only 20 cals!! I also drink loose leaf tea. But I love my coffee!!
  • I use stevia from the health food store and agave for baking. Good luck!!
  • I use this recipe for spaghetti squash. http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/Properly-Prepared-Spaghetti-Squash-162765 Good Luck!!
  • I always go for a salad with whole beans....and try to stay away from the chips!!
  • I have not had diet soda in over a year.....I am more scared of the sweeteners in diet sodas, and some foods, than I am of sugar. I don't miss them at all. The only soda I have, once or twice a month, is either root beer or ginger ale, no caffeine. (I only drink decaf coffee as well.) I drink water, raw fruit juice, tea,…
  • I just cooked one last night. Wash and pierce with a fork 5 - 6 times. Place on a paper towel on a microwaveable plate. Cook 4-5 minutes per side on high, turning over once. After scooping out the insides, I added a little margarine, TBS of maple syrup and cinnamon to taste and made mashed sweet potato!!
  • Stevia...from Whole Foods like Valerie. I also used agave nectar in baking and cooking, along with honey and maple syrup.
  • Just one cat...Felix. He rules the house!!
  • I take a b-12, b-6 & folic acid supplement (b/c I try to eat vegan), vitamin D and vitamin C.
  • kf are my initials and sooner is for the University of Oklahoma!! GO SOONERS!!
  • I love the potato cauliflower dish mentioned earlier, and mashed cauliflower!!! I also love roasted golden beets!!
  • If you like potato and cauliflower, I love this recipe!!! http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,1850,159182-225203,00.html Also, you might try this website, http://earthvegan.blogspot.com/ . She has great vegan recipes and a wide variety!! Good luck! Kristine
  • I like a couple of web site for recipes....http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/ and http://earthvegan.blogspot.com/ . I try to be vegan also ( not too hard since I am allergic to dairy products!!) and also try to eat lots of raw food. Good luck!!
  • I am trying to stay on a vegan diet. I also try to eat mainly raw, with only cooked at dinnertime. I know this is not for everyone, but it works!!
  • You can adjust the calories burned when you input your exercise. Just plug the time in, then input the calories the site said you burned. I always need to do this because I use my treadmill with the incline way up (10%) and always burn more calories than MFP says! I will be looking for a Heart Rate Monitor later on this…
  • I just got a pair a week ago. I have the sprint model. I love them. Right now I only use them around the house and driving to school to pick up kids. I did use them on the treadmill once. But I know I need to work on getting my feet used to them before I do alot of treadmill with them. I am going to the beach in a week and…
  • I cannot imagine coffee without a sweet taste. I use stevia and coconut milk creamer in my decaf coffee. I only use sugar when I am out eating and did not bring my stevia!!
    in Coffee... Comment by kfsooner March 2010
  • As Mollydog said, try Almond milk. I also use Rice milk.
  • You should be able to get ring guards to use in rings that are too big. I had to do that to a couple of rings I inherited from my mom. They come in gold and silver. Your jeweler should be able to help! Congrats on your progress!! I cannot wait until I can wear more of my rings on more fingers!!
  • I love the incline on my treadmill. I always manually vary the speed and incline because the ground is never level!!
  • I eat the Food for Life brand Ezekiel bread. It is a sprouted whole grain bread made from organic grains. It is also low glycemic and is a complete protein. It is 80 cals per slice and has three grams of fiber. You can find the bread in the freezer section of most stores. I also store it in my freezer. Now, I must note…