

  • Thank you for posting this! A lot of key points in there that some people tend to miss.
  • Have you been drinking enough water? This makes a huge difference day to day I found. If you don't drink enough you will retain water which you will see on the scale, it can be up to 5 pounds or more! During my TOM I gain at 4 pounds but it's just water weight. If you watch your water and sodium intake you should see those…
  • Gossip Girl :yawn:
  • Try Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. The DVD cost about 20 bucks depending where you find it and then all you will need is an exercise mat(depending if you are working out on a hard floor), hand weights( 2lds) and 20 minutes a day! If find this workout to be quite intense , so listen to your body cuz you don't need to be…