

  • Wow....amazing results, and I credit you to the determination you chose to make a healthier and better lifestyle for yourself. I am in the process of losing weight first, then want to start building body mass. Many sites I have looked at say, if you have fat to lose do so first and get to your weight, then begin your…
  • I know I'm not a in the greatest shape as I could be in, but I am on that road. Watching this video is such an inspirational story of one man that did not give up and has proof that if you put your heart and soul into changing your like around anyone can, and no excuses. He worked his *kitten* off, and in the long run he…
  • First of all I am not a fitness expert. I just started MFP a few days ago, and talking and hearing from others about fitness, its what your body can handle and not over doing it at first. If only starting out with 30 min of your tread mill is fine, you will gradually work your body up to doing more. If you start out hard…
  • You actually achieved what you wanted it seems and did a great job keeping up with it at all times. I am in the same boat you were. Except I am quite older then you are (44) and I am at 254 lbs wanting to get down to about 200-210. That's my goal now. I have been storming the internet on if i should lose weight first to…