rmwhitlo Member


  • : What it means is that you have burned calories so it adds them to you calories for the day that you can utilize without going over your goal. The more you workout then the more you can use towards your goal without being in the red. But the down side of it is if you utlize all the calories that you are putting in after…
  • eat six times a day thats what I do it keeps the hunger at bay I eat every 2-3 hours even it the meal is only an apple, yogurt, air popped popcorn ect then incoperate you breakfast lunch and dinner.:wink:
  • I really believe it is about the food we consume. I compare my eating habits as I would putting fuel in a car. If the gas is crap then your car runs like crap right? Same with food if you eat crap then you get crappy results not saying that you do but a lot of people don't realize this. Food now a days is full of chemicals…
  • I was nervous at first too but this also keeps you accountable for what you eat which really helped me! I also don't do it on weekends if I have been good all week because I consider those my days. I just make sure to hit the gym mon. or tue to work it off. When someone would ask me if I wanted a piece of cake I would say…