

  • I had to reply to because mine are the EXACT same dates as you! I wonder if we are running the same ones? I am running one in Boulder, CO August 25th and it's my first too :-) And then I am (hoping) to run one in Jackson, WY September 22nd. I'm only doing 3 mile runs right now, but I found a 20 week training program that…
  • Whoopsies I just saw these posts sorry!!! Thank you so much for the support though! I will definitely look into the podcasts! And I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who has a love/hate relationship with running :-) I know this is a stupid question, but how did you go about finding a local running club? I have…
    in newbie Comment by ssmit103 March 2013
  • I just started training for my first half too! When are you running yours and what schedule are you using?
  • I'm in the exact same boat! I am the exact same height and weight! Before college I had never broken 100 lbs, and now I am just trying to get back to 105ish and get toned up. I would love to share recipes and fitness plans with you :-) It's hard to find other people our size to compare with!
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