
  • Your pretty close to me: SW: 238 CW: 193 GW: 130 Height: 5'3" Age: 35 (36 next month)
  • The right shoes make all the difference!! I was getting shin splints and I went to a specialized shoe store where they properly fit you in the correct shoes for the way you run. I did not have an issue with shin splints until I started running for longer periods of time, but I could barely walk when they started. Since…
  • Thanks everyone...my husband and I are probably going to try this in January. I have already cut a lot of carbs in my diet and I feel so much better doing that. I think it will help that my trainer is also going to be doing this as well.
  • I'm a SAHM too...I also run a daycare out of my home, been doing that for about 5 years. Feel free to add me!!
  • I would definately add a protein shake. I work with a Personal Trainer and he is always on me to eat more, even if I'm not hungry, he wants me to eat enough calories, so I eat back almost all of my exercise calories. It's hard to do, because when you are eating the right foods, you are not really hungry. He had told me to…
  • I am working with a personal trainer and he actually told me that he would rather see me eat more protein and good fats and keep my carbs down to under 150, I'm usually at 100 by the end of the day now...so I don't neccessarily think going over on protein is a bad thing.
  • I've researched this before, because its also happened to me, and everything I read said to make sure you are well hydrated and that you do a 5-10 minute cardio warm-up before strength training. I know its miserable, I've been there. I also had a protein shake before and that seemed to help me too. Your body is def trying…
  • I absolutely love Zumba...I go to a class 3 times a week!!
    in zumba Comment by AJSINK June 2011
  • I have not done the videos, I have done a live class with an instructor. Zumba is soooo much fun, you don't really realize you are working out!! I go to class 2 times a week, it breaks up the monontany of the gym. My husband tells me its my drug, I am definately addicted!! I really don't think it's gimmicky, its really as…
  • Sounds like a renal diet maybe?? My husband is on the same thing and really has to watch his phospherous. The National Kidney Foundation has all kinds of resources. I hope this helps!