

  • And, yes, I am going to get a Heart Rate monitor also, but thanks for suggesting the circuit training. That's a good idea! I will log that now and see what happens!
  • yes, you are correct. That workout is a *****. I do a lot of Jillian's workouts, and this one by far is an *kitten* kicker! lol... I am on week #2, day #1. Week 2 isn't as bad as week 1. Maybe my body is adapting. I do not have any advice for you. Do your best. That's all I could do. I could not sit down, stand up, or lay…
  • add me if you would like. I need motivation and friends with the same goals as me!
  • I have both, and I have tried 30DS and couldn't stick with it. I am starting Week 2 of Ripped in 30 tomorrow. OMG it's a killer! LOVE IT! I literally have sweat pouring off me when I am done with this work out. It's a booty kicker