

  • Your weight naturally goes up and down up to two pounds. Don't get discouraged. It could be a number of factors. I find that my weight has flipped flopped up to four lbs when I haven't had regular bowel movements. I know that's disgusting, but waste could still be moving through your system especially if you are eating…
  • CW: 153 (mini goal was 154) woot woot! In the last week I've lost another inch in my hip from 38.75 to 37.75. Nothing in the waist but maybe my hips needed to shrink more. So encouraged by this group. Everyone keep up the good work.
  • Hips 40 to 38.75 Waist 35 to 32 Chest 35 to 33.5 Last summer I was actually smaller than this, because I had gotten down to 145 but then I started my new job and I put 15lbs back on. Fortunately, I have a very great working environment where almost everyone is interested in being fit either through diet or exercise. Here's…
  • CW: 156 Hope its not too late for this week. Pulled a muscle in my leg a week ago Friday so I had to stop running. It's getting better now. Starting the 24 day challenge with Advocare this week. Been doing as much uppper body strength training/abs as I can since I could barely walk for the last week.
  • Challenge: Stop- procrastinating on my homework for my grad class so I can actually get in bed at a decent time. Start- cleaning the house every week instead of just when company is coming. Favorite healthy snack: Raw blackberries...yum yum!
  • I know I just joined and I forget to post yesterday but I am at 158.8 (Down 1.2 since Monday!)
  • I would like to join. Current weight: 160 Goal weight: 138 3/24: 3/31: 4/7: 4/14:***mini goal 154 lbs*** 4/21: 4/28: 5/5: 5/12: ***mini goal 146 lbs*** 5/19: 5/26: 6/2: 6/9: ***challenge goal 138 lbs*** This might be a little ambitious at a loss of 2lbs a week, but I think I can do it. Plus The week after the 6/9 weigh I…
  • I am in the same boat. Although I have only stopped drinking milk in the last few years.
  • I guess I'm kinda screwed on this. I drink soy milk because I am severely lactose intolerant when it comes to milk. I can eat cheese in extreme moderation but a cup of milk and I lay in the floor and beg God to let me die before the vomiting and other stuff begins. So I guess I'll just have to lose the weight the hard way.…
  • I've started the 30 day shred before. It's worth the 9 bucks that it cost at walmart. I didn't do a diet plan with it, but there might be one. Unfortunately life happened including an ankle sprain so I can't do it right now, but if you are looking for a workout that will do the full body in a relatively short period of…
  • Lol on the Lohan comment.
  • The best way to get the soreness out is to work out. Be sure to stretch before exercising though.
  • Yep.
    in C25K Comment by price805 April 2010
  • If you have a MP3player There is also a downloadable podcast in itunes that basically will walk you through each week of the program...It's called "Podcasts for Running." I found them really helpful when I was trying to do the program.
    in C25K Comment by price805 April 2010
  • I have a cookbook called "Cook Yourself Thin" it has a ton of recipes with calories per serving from 150-350. Anything in particular you are interested in? Chocolately, Fruity, cookie, cake, brownie, cupcakes, etc. I'd be happy to type up one of the recipes and send it too you if there was something in particular that you…
    in Dessert Comment by price805 April 2010
  • Hey, If you need a buddy, I don't mind checking in with you. I know how it is to lose your motivation or to get hammered by the ups and downs of life. I've started this journey so many times and failed. Or I'll get going and something bad happens that just slams me: family death, accidents, injuries, college homework…
  • My husband is really supportive of me getting healthy, but not so much for himself. We just purchase two loaves of bread one that's for him and one that's for me. We do the same with milk. I am lactose intolerant so I have to watch the dairy. I can eat cheese in moderation but anything else is like automatic…
  • I have a problem with my thighs chaffing really bad from rubbing together when I run. I always make sure to wear a pair of spandex shorts that come down over the parts of my thigh that rub together. Then on top of that I might wear a pair of pants if its cold outside or if I don't feel comfortable with how my body looks…
  • I had the same problem back last summer where all the exercise in the world (running 3x a week, walking all the other days, Wii Fit, etc) and healthy eating was barely helping me to lose maybe a pound every two to three weeks. Come to find out, I had insulin resistance and I was storing all the glucose my body couldn't…