
  • I've noticed my work-outs seem really short too and it made me wonder also. But if you are doing all the excercises and 3 sets of 12 we must be doing it right?? I'm just going to stick with it, she might be starting us really slowly and maybe soon it will take us longer to finish the workouts.
  • I've noticed my work-outs seem really short too and it made me wonder also. But if you are doing all the excercises and 3 sets of 12 we must be doing it right?? I'm just going to stick with it, she might be starting us really slowly and maybe soon it will take us longer to finish the workouts.
  • Just started, on Phase One Day 3 and I'm pretty sore today but I'm super excited to see how this works. I've been running lately working up to a 5K so I'm kinda disappointed about the cardio thing but I'm going to give it a try anyway. I can always add the running in when she says to do cardio. And I'm only using 8-10 lb…