greenautumn17 Member


  • Technically, technically!, Atkins (at least the version I read in 1999) induction allows one salad and one side of a veggie at dinner. Any more than that and you risk exceeding your VERY LOW carb count of 20g. Only as you enter OWL to Maintenance do you add more veggies. SO going whole hog on learning and incorporating…
  • Love the comments that promote continuous eating...SMH..."to train your brain to not be hungry" I think one said. Oh those poor ancestors who did not have enough food to eat all day long (I mean in times of food scarcity like the depression, the world wars, etc.)...they must have suffered sooo much! :o
  • Sorry about the huge photo. I don't know how to fix that.
  • April 2015 August 2015
  • Hahaha! Good one!
  • That's interesting about low stomach acid, I will have to look into that. Oh, and Carly, Fatty liver is diagnosed by CAT scan of the abdomen, so you would know if you had one! :)
  • How interesting. In 1993, while I was pregnant I had severe chest pains (felt like a large belt tightening around my chest) so bad I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. Turned out to be gallstones. A few months later I had another attack. Finally, two weeks after I gave birth, I was back in the hospital for an…
  • RE Avocados. I don't have to worry about keeping it fresh because I have two daughters I can pawn it off on. However, they recently said "Again?" because I have one almost every day (they are pretty cheap right now) :) If no one eats it before it is in danger of browning...I just eat it myself! One question...I usually get…
  • I do the same, but I have a daughter who has a fit when she sees the date on the meat as she pulls it from the freezer - "These are expired!" :# SMH, but they have been frozen!!! Heavy sigh... life with an OCD person.
  • When my mom was going through some depressing money troubles, I offered to let her come live with me which would have helped in NUMEROUS ways. 1) she could pay off her creditors, 2) she wouldn't have to pay rent or utilities, 3) she would not be alone, 4) we could get her involved in some activities, and 5) I could "fix"…
  • As I know from my mother's diet (she is a diabetic who lives alone), she eats the way she does from habit, laziness, and convenience. It is too much trouble for her to cook for one, and she got into the habit of fast food (when she had a car, that is). Now it is mostly microwave meals and cookies (That woman can eat two…
  • Planning on chicken fajitas myself tonight (sans tortillas that is)! Yet, of all the meats, I would have to say chicken is my least favorite.
  • I agree about the VA system. My hubby is on the road as a truck driver and basically has to schedule his home time for all the appointments the VA wants him to have (not just a once a year physical but all the freaking time! Eye, sleep center, GP, cardio, labs, etc.). Then they go and cancel and reschedule as if it is easy…
  • On what planet is an A1c of 6.6 not diabetic? I have been trying to get mine to less than 5.6, preferably less than 5.4 so I can be considered nondiabetic! I think this man is a bit confused! And 81mg of aspirin will do little for pain, it is recommended for heart health. I take one every night.
  • This is what my girls (one in college, one a student teacher) do. They pack up dinner's leftovers for lunch. I hardly have any leftovers anymore! :p
  • I have a BPC almost every day except when I am fasting. I use both CO and butter whipped up in a blender. The fats keep me full for several hours.
  • The first symptom I get from eating wheat again is itchy eyes and nose followed by stuffiness and mucus buildup. Then a few hours later the headache comes. OY! Reason enough to avoid bread, pasta and pizza. (However, I get no symptoms from ice cream so that one is a lot more tempting!)
  • You are going to get as many answers as there are people in this group! There is no one regimen. Some recommend a ton, others say nothing is necessary. I remember Atkins telling us to take specific vitamins, like chromium, and then Atkins Nutritionals started selling them. Dr. Davis of Wheat Belly fame also recommends…
  • Ha. Just today my daughter asked my husband (who was talking about frying up pork chops for his dinner) what he was planning for his sides! I told her he doesn't need any sides, but she argued that she did not agree with that - that we need vegetables. Sigh... She is so brainwashed.
  • When my family went out for dinner for my hubs birthday, I ordered a cup of melted butter with my steak. Was I surprised when not only did the waitress not bat an eye, but all four members of the family asked for some too!
  • I don't know why, but honey in drinks always gave me a headache. :| Apparently honey has some good health benefits. However, I have heard that store bought honey could be adulterated with corn syrup, so if I were to use honey,…
  • I had green beans as a side at lunch yesterday at a restaurant and I opened up four or five of those little butter packets and stirred them in. The server must have thought I was nuts!
  • I have quite a few pairs of shorts that slide off if I am not careful! My daughter told me to go buy new ones, but I told her I am not quite ready (wonder what that indicates about my psyche?). I use a lot of safety pins lately, LOL! Butter Bob is kinda funny, and he definitely fills a need in the LCHF online world.…
  • My husband was diagnosed with a fatty liver earlier this year, so I worried that I had one too. I found Dr. Jason Fung's explanations and found that the fatty liver is a precursor to full blown diabetes. According to him, once the liver has "filled," the pancreas starts getting "clogged" next. The IF program helps to…
  • When I first did Atkins in 1999, I started with salad, meat, cheese, etc, but then I found the bars, shakes, and candies. It wasn't long before I was relying on them instead of real foods. It also stalled my weight loss. This time around, I started out with real food, but tried a few bars (which tasted like wax) and a…
  • Just wanted to repeat the caution about taking potassium or nusalt if you are taking medicines for blood pressure. Check your prescription labels!
  • I see my doctor tomorrow, and I am down about ten pounds from when I saw him in May. I told him at that time that I was eating LCHF with IF and only wanted his "oversight" about medications. As it is, I have (on my own initiative) reduced my Metformin by half, with no adverse effects on my BG, and I cannot wait to see if…
  • I have been so low carb for five months now that there should be little to no glycogen stores for my liver to convert into glucose after not eating for over 12 hours (except the BPC), so what was my body converting to glucose? Does fat convert to glucose? (My version of BPC has butter, salt, and CO.) It wasn't super hot…
  • I was hoping after the muscles feel better I would see weight loss, but so far not yet. :(
  • The group I left had people posting photos of their meters alongside a meal. It was ridiculous! I was hoping for support and advice, not constant one-upmanship over whose BG can stay the lowest.