

  • I hate the taste of water. To me it tastes like metal and medicine. I chew gum to mask the taste. I do tend to get used to it after a while, when I'm drinking like I should. However, getting the full requirement every day is very difficult.
  • The thing that I think works best is increasing water and dropping salt. Once I flushed out most of the salt I'd been eating, I felt a lot better and my clothes fit again.
  • Did you switch something to cardio? Or just add it on top of your existing workout? Could be a normal fluctuation, or your body retaining water from all the sweating it out in the sauna.
  • I actually refused to start dieting at first because people at work were making fun of my weight. And for some stupid reason I thought that losing weight would make them feel like they did the right thing by pushing me.
  • I've been scared to weigh myself. I know what it's gonna say. However, after starting my boxing/kickboxing class, and seeing results, I'm kinda disappointed that I don't have a 'before' weight now. I can guesstimate, but I won't be exact now. But with that said, other than being scared to see the ##, I'm also very scared…
  • I'm afraid that I'm doing this too. I go to a boxing/kickboxing class nearly every day. By the time I'm done, I'm starving. But it's more than that. I eat my healthy foods and snacks, but I can't get a handle on the bad foods yet. I started this profile hoping that shaming myself by typing all these bad foods in might…