rachelklewis3 Member


  • Did you walk in to the gym knowing exactly what to do and how to do it the first time? Wow, you are just awesome! I understand gym etiquette- ie. not texting etc.... but give us lowly people who are just starting out a break, would ya?
  • I don't personally have High BP, but I have worked in a doctor's office as a Medical Assistant. As someone else has said already, it may be possible that you have "white coat syndrome." It's a real thing! You should definitely monitor your blood pressure at home if you can- or go to the same machine at the same store once…
  • I would personally go for angel food cake but I know that's not the most fun to decorate. Cookinglight.com has some great "healthier" cake recipes. Do you like carrot cake? Pick something that you love! It's your birthday, one piece of cake won't undo all your hard work. :)
  • I agree with above- increase water and make sure you are eating a balanced diet.. Supplements may help, I take a multi-vite (one a day pro edge) which has b12 among others in it which does give me more energy. As far as overdosing on B12- (not a doctor, but a former Medical Assistant so this is my understanding) it is a…
  • I eat them most of the time but when I do need more whites than yolks I just scramble them up and give them to my baby (10 months old) she loves them!
  • I have been able to do this for about 7 weeks! I am considered obese as I started at 183 lbs. and am only 5'1". I set my calories to 1200 and eat back my exercise calories (which means I eat anywhere from 1300-1500 cals most days). I exercise 5 times a week and am learning to eat much healthier and have cut out diet Pepsi…
  • My husband and I have 2 beautiful girls, a 3 year old and a 10 month old :)
  • 1. Artificial Sweeteners 2. Diet Pepsi 3. My husband's Little Debbie Snacks that I used to sneak 4. White breads/ pasta/ rice 5. Cow's Milk All in all just trying to cut the crap out of my diet and eat healthier without feeling deprived :)
  • ^ This! ^ and also, I have seen many people with access to Google think they know better than their Doc. I'm not saying that doctors know everything, but I personally believe a Physician who specializes in Medically Supervised Weight Loss at least deserves a chance.
  • I use my crock pot a lot- but I don't really follow recipes too much. Right now I have split chicken breasts that I rubbed with Italian dressing in there with chunks of russet potatoes, onion and carrots. I seasoned the vegetables with Italian seasoning, a little salt and pepper and added just enough water to cover. Cook…
  • Story of my life! I have a 3 year old, a 10 month old AND I babysit my 5 month old niece. I do not have a jogging stroller or a gym membership either. What has been working for me so far is trying to get up an hour before they do to do a dvd of sorts. On days that doesn't happen- I will do a work out video (usually yoga or…
  • Congratulations! I was married June 6, 2009. I lost about 25 lbs. before my wedding, and it felt great! I was still overweight at 160 lbs (5'1") but still felt really good about myself- especially when I had to get my dress taken in twice! My motivation was just that I wanted to look my best on my wedding day and also be…
  • I have 2 little ones (26 mos. apart), and found my second pregnancy to be more tiring than the first. I think it has a lot to do with keeping up with a toddler. Making sure I ate well (lots of protein- greek yogurt and almonds were my faves) helped and making sure I got enough rest at night. Eating healthy (combined with a…
  • I made a Brown rice casserole with Basmati rice, A can of fire roasted tomatoes, 1 cup of 2% milk cheese and chicken breast. I seasoned with Adobo and served with a green salad. It was delicious- for the vegan in the family made the same - chicken + vegan cheese and he loved it :)
  • Chicken Quesadilla! Made with boneless skinless baked chicken, diced tomatoes, chilles, peppers and onions with 2% mexican blend cheese- in between 2 (small) corn tortillas. Came in at just under 300 calories. I know some people are going back and forth about 300 calorie meals being too small- I have been amazed to find…
  • I am becoming a reformed picky eater! A lot of the vegetables I never would eat I found that I like them prepared in different ways- such as tomatoes- do not like them raw but will eat them cooked in dishes. I strongly dislike canned spinach but love fresh. Would never eat brussel sprouts or asparagus but I like them…
  • I like to have a wine with dinner- not every night but a couple times a week. I have had no problem fitting that into my calorie goal. In my opinion, if you account for it and you drink in moderation it's not a problem. I'm fairly new at this but it hasn't affected my progress thus far. My tip would be if you are going to…
  • Amazing! You look great :) I am starting at about the same weight and size as you did (just 3" shorter) and hope to be as successful. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Awesome! You are an inspiration to me :)
  • I have a dress that I wore for my bridal shower 4 years (and 2 kids) ago, trying to fit into it for an upcoming wedding (1 month away!). I've tried it on twice in the past 2 weeks and each time it's getting closer to zipping all the way! It feels good to have a goal and be so close to achieving it.
  • Whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1/4 banana sliced. 1 hard boiled egg. Yum :) And 2 cups coffee black with splenda ( got to have the coffee!)
  • I can agree with you that Cheat days are a bad idea. I am fairly knew to this (almost 2 weeks and have already lost 5 lbs!) and I know that for me, if I allow myself a "cheat" day it will lead me right back to my unhealthy eating habits. I love junk food and once I start eating it, it can be hard to stop. I know people…
  • Age: 26 Height: 5'1" SW: 183 CW: 180 GW: 140 Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Family, for me, is a major part of it. Throughout my childhood I learned that feeding someone was how you showed love, and boy was I loved a lot. The majority of my Mother's side was obese. Being a "good eater" (which I now recognize as over-eating) was praised. I was always overweight as a kid and had poor self esteem.…