

  • I have PCOS and It has been a huge struggle for me. I was recently prescribed Metformin to help treat it but I have not met anyone else who is taking this medication for PCOS. It is a common medication for Diabetes I guess. Anyone else taking Metformin for PCOS? Has it helped at all?
  • Thanks everyone! I have a pretty large frame as well so I'm thinking maybe 170 might be good for me then. I'm not really sure. However, I am 19 and I don't know if 170 would be "average" for my age and sex. :/
  • Thanks everyone! I've definitely been avoiding going to the gym for the past two weeks and I'm pretty frustrated with myself. I just keep making excuses! My goal was to go 5 times a week and in reality, I'm lucky if I go twice a week! Any suggestions?