jbrownnolan Member


  • This, I'm 5'3" and 124 lbs, I'm generally a size 7, I've never been able to squeeze into a size 5-6 or below, I have no idea either how people 4 lbs lighter are fitting into a size 0 - 2??? But then again I guess we are all built differently. I lie, I fit into a size 5 dress ONCE, and that was only because it was stretchy…
  • Not yet (actually one of my biggest treadmill fears) but I've dropped things on the treadmill and sent them flying across the gym floor - Water bottles, head phones, iPhone, that's pretty embarrassing, everyone stops what they are doing and looks at you while you try very gracefully and nonchalantly to clean up your mess,…
  • The Kraft websites are great, and my go to place when I'm stuck, you can even type in a couple ingredients that you have (or would like to cook with) and it will pop up a quick, easy, budget friendly recipe. http://www.kraftcanada.com/healthy-living or http://www.kraftrecipes.com/home.aspx Sometimes they even have coupons…
  • Salsa, I put that s#!t on everything!!! :D
  • So you say that moderation does not work for you, okay, being overweight does not work for me. I've kept down my weight for 9 years now, and yes it's hard, yes I have constant fights with the voices in my head (just one more, just one more), yes I have a hard time stopping at 1 cookie or at just a handful of chips, or one…
  • Shot of Black Cherry Vodka in a tall cold glass of 0 cal (diet) Lemon Aid, nom nom nom (makes my mouth water just thinking of it).
  • I am 37, 5'3", I've went beyond my goal weight of 129.9 and am now sitting at 125. I would like to see 115, but my world will not end if I never see that number ('m just excited to be in the 120's), If I do ever get to 115 I will make sure to up my cals so as to maintain. 110 would be way thin for me and I would still be…
  • Hands and feet first, then arms and ankles, then face, neck and shoulders, next boobs and calf's, now I'm working on that belly and butt, it's always the most stubborn to get off and slim down, but I also don't gain much there when I gain back either, don't care much about losing the butt, but I would love to have a toned…
  • ^^^THIS, I have no idea either :(
  • WAY back when (almost 9 years ago to be exact) when my daughter was 3 months old I decided it was time to lose the weight, within 7 months I lost 70 lbs and didn't lose a drop of milk (I nursed exclusively the whole time), but maybe that was just me, I've always said I could be that momma that had enough supply for…
  • Anything dense and yeasty, I can eat foods with flour but not with yeast. There is such a things as an allergy to yeast, I've never been tested cause I just stay away from it, but all it takes is one bite of my daughters left over bagel and within 5 minutes I'm in "curl up on the floor" intense stomach pain that lasts 24 -…
  • Great pics everyone :D WOW!!! Thanks for sharing :D
  • 10k a year??? Hells no, not unless I am personally training with Bob Harper or Dolvett Quince. For 10g that better be one hell of a trainer. Here's an idea, go to they gym of your choice, pick out the most fit person in there (the one you would like to look like), make a deal with them "If you let me train with you 3 days…
  • My mother-in-law is a size 12-14 and shops there all the time and has never been given a hard time, I'm jealous of all her Lululemon attire (me and my one pair of pants I was able to purchase with a gift card that she got me for Christmas, LOL). I think you just had a Pretty Woman moment and the sales person was being very…
  • I do LOVE my Body Media (I don't love the monthly membership fees), and like I said I will keep it till it dies, I have met lots of new people because of it, it has stricken up many many conversations with friends, family member, and strangers who want to learn more. It has glitched on me a couple of times lately but not…
  • Absolutely, everyone is so very different from each other (regardless of what some members MFP say), I also have a desk job and 3 very active children. It was suggested to me that I may have a low daily burn and to get one of these devices to more accurately track my burn, activity, etc. Getting this device I was able to…
  • I have a BodyMedia and will probably wear it till it dies, I believe it is extremely accurate, but agreed, it is a bit intrusive, I've looked into a couple other alternatives. I've decided that when my BodyMedia bites the dust that I will look into getting a Jawbone, it's worn like a bracelet and uses wireless syncing to…
  • I don't reply to a lot of these boards (because of the drama and misinformation being thrown around like that mythical magical world of "Starvation Mode Land" and those out there saying that 120 lbs for someone at 5’3” is underweight, sheesh {{{FACE PALM}}}). I am 5’3” and 126 lbs and 36 yrs. old, I’ve been wearing one of…
  • I'm in for 215k in August. I had a goal of 200k for July and hit 204k with 2 days left, so I think adding on another 15k's is do-able...(gotta love those 31day months LOL :D). I'm not training for any races (in fact I've only done 2 in my entire life) I just run to run :D. Happy trails everyone!
  • April 2014 - 13.33 km total ran for month (start of running season then put on 3 week rest from Chiropractor) May 2014 - 50.8 km total ran for month (Chiropractor gave me the okay to do a couple 20 min runs) June 2014 - 147.18 km total ran for month (Chiropractor gave me the okay to go at my own pace again, and pushing a…
  • July 2013 Average (up to the 31st) - 5,178 steps / day - 160,535 steps for whole month (and this July was a busy month for me, or so I thought) *** One Year Later *** July 2014 Average (up to the 29th) - 12,251 steps / day - 379,799 steps total to date 1-Jul14931 2-Jul8174 3-Jul20749 4-Jul15882 5-Jul3883 6-Jul18562…
  • First place to gain and first place to lose are in my Boobs, I've been a small 38D now at a 36B. The ladies are starting to get lost in the B cup, I refuse to go down (or even try on an A) so a little extra padding or sports bra seems to do the job. I know when I have weight to lose though cause the cups start to overflow…
  • I've gotten the comment "Have you lost weight?" I follow up with a "Nope, just exercising and eating better", it's really none of their business what my scale says (even if I have lost some) and they normally seem to drop the subject after that (cause they don't want to hear about the exercising and eating better part LOL).
  • Salty French Fries dipped in Ice Cream. Something about the sweet and salty. I know I have waaaay weirder food combo's just can't think of any right now, I'll be back if I think of any. (I remember as a child my grandmother use to LOVE Old Cheddar Cheese mixed in wither her Vanilla Ice Cream)
  • Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. I would rather run at 2 in the afternoon with 85 deg sunny weather than haul my butt out of bed at 5am. I have tried it numerous times and never gotten use to it. The only days I do run in the morning is if I know there is no way I'm getting in my run later in the day or for some strange…
  • Step 1 - Go to the Dollar Store Step 2 - Buy a measuring tape
  • Because it's awesome :D I started drinking it for the lower calorie count (I always buy the unsweetened almond milk, 35 cals/1 cup), and now I prefer it. I've even tried going back to cows milk a couple of times (which I swear I use to drink by the liter) and now I can barely choke down a mouth full. I use it in everything…
  • Seems like a thousand times some days. I've been watching my weight, what I eat, and how I exercise going on 9 years now, going from +200 (to this day don't know exactly how high my weight got to, I wouldn't let the Dr. tell me) down to 132 in the matter of 7 months to maintaining that for the past 8 years (right now I'm…