rakufire Member


  • Your gym should give you a free reassessment from time to time - it's definitely time to ask for one now you have a more specific goal. They should also be able to help you structure a few workouts you can rotate through.
  • My guy has excellent taste and a great eye, so if he gives his opinion, I sure as hell listen. Besides which, I want to look good for me first and him second, so his opinion is important to me. Having said that, I can't imagine him ever outright banning or demanding anything.
  • A half-marathon. To be fair, it probably just FELT like the most exercise ever - I hate running and every step of the months of training was torture.
  • I am also 40... I just assumed I was included, as all the gymming makes me look more like a young'un :p
  • I recently splashed out and replaced my decades-old disintegrating-but-beloved Dans Ez Minimal Bounce Bras with bright red Berlei Eletrify non-underwired sports bras. I love them. Nothing budges, and they are so comfortable (and I think they look cool). On a side note, you can still buy MBBs (…
  • While that's a good idea on one level...ewwwww! Water down anything else, but wine? Sacrilege! ;)
  • I can't remember the actual words of the conversation (loooong time ago) but it was interesting trying to explain to my cowo her error on thinking that the more slim-fasts she consumed, the faster she would lose weight. Ruh roh...
  • This: http://www.firedragonchillies.com/products-page/products/dragons-fury-sauce-r20-100ml-duplicate-2/ Won't help lose weight, but DAMN it tastes fantastic!
  • Lots of info here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1045171-the-foam-roller
  • Yes! If this got me to all my uni lectures on time all those years ago, it will work for ANYONE!
  • I am also 41, and used to do a LOT of martial arts, that was the fittest I had ever been. I quit all that quite a few years ago, and kind of forgot to replace it with anything, until recently... I don't think it has to be too complicated to begin with. I joined the gym, and started logging my food here. Initially I didn't…
  • 2 cubes of frozen spinach mixed with a small can of tuna, 2 poached eggs on top. Breakfast of champions :)
  • I got an Alpha Sports Heart Rate Monitor from 1-day a few months ago. Was dubious as it was REALLY cheap ($30), but it seems fine. Has chest strap and watch - the watch wasn't the easiest thing to set up, but the manual is actually very helpful. Once it seemed to reset itself randomly, but that was probably the buttons…
  • Vibram Fivefingers. Mainly just cos it creeps people out, and I find that fun.
  • Stop talking about it and get on with it.
  • When you join the gym they should give you an induction of some variety, you can query this at the time. They would likely run through some suggestions and maybe even draw up a new regimen with you. Failing this, you could always purchase one or two PT sessions, to get you on track and comfortable with the new environment..
  • If I'm feeling like I've plateaued a bit, shaking up my routine really helps - and I always get that lovely 'I did something worthwhile yesterday' DOMS hum. Either picking the weight right up so I can only just squeeze out one or two reps, or dropping the weight right down and going for ridiculously high reps but with no…
  • My guy has the mtabolism of a hummingbird and can pretty much eat and drink what he likes while still looking hot as a very hot thing. I work out so that I can join him with some of those! Although he doesn't join me at the gym, we do hike and mountain bike sometimes, and he's very supportive - he may not be into the gym,…
  • I hate running, but I still got a pair of FFs for bush walking - then found they were fantastic in the gym...Although I forgot my regular shoes for a spin class once, and I DON'T recommend them for that!
  • Length of PVC pipe, covered in old hiking mat or thick yoga mat, lots of duct tape = supercheap foam roller. Make a couple in different sizes for all the different muscles. Awesome. [edited for typo]