

  • smoothies! I use frozen strawberries (or any other frozen fruit), banana, skim milk, yogurt if you want, and a splash for OJ for sweetener. DELISH and under 200 cals!
  • Good luck to you! I have never been consistent either, but I find it addicting to type in my food intake and see how many calories it is:) Strange, I know...but the first day of typing in whatever I normally ate and it was quite obvious how I became the size I am. I'm sticking with it and I hope you do too!:)
  • you're better off exercising on your 1800 calorie day!
  • Hi! I'm brand new...typing everything in makes it more work to eat:) glad for the app on my phone. best of luck!
    in new member Comment by ksrn January 2011
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