

  • Just had to tell you about the regular type of flushing vitamin called Niacin...if you take it you will avoid plaque in your arteries and get rid of some of the plaque in your arteries already and it will prevent it from has a nasty flushing effect though but it goes away after 1-2 months...still if you are…
  • WOWee!!! This is so inspiring to me the such great success how exciting!!! Good going everyone! I hope I can join you in the success category...I have struggled for years to lose and can not figure out what I am doing wrong but I hope this site will help. Great success and everyone looks so great after the…
  • HI I am new and hoping to learn much from this site...I love my oatmeal. I have oatmeal with some blueberries and also plain yogurt....cook the oatmeal with water then add the frozen blueberries with the yogurt and reheat to desired temparature...I use the same cooking pot and wash it after...the yogurt makes it taste…