BigBootyMimi Member


  • I hate water too, so most of the time I will add crystal light or brew or fruity herbals are my favorite. I like to trick myself into thinking I am having something sweet!
  • So....I went to the doc today to get my back checked out....thankfully nothing major...but the bad news is I have to lay off the exercise for about a week. So, unfortunately I have to tap out for now. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can get back to day 8 by Friday. Boo hoo for me, but you ladies are so awesome! Keep…
  • That happens to me sometimes as well, but I have had equilibrium problems for most of my adult life due to low blood pressure...I find that having a light snack about 30 minutes or so before I work out helpd a lot. I am thinking it has to do with blood sugar, but I am not an MD or anything. That's just my experience.
  • Great idea ajwall3! Being a mom is like a double whammy - not only have our bodies/metabolism changed, but I am sure most of us are super busy with home/work/etc...and it is hard to find time to exercise! We have to make time!!!
  • So....I had to sit out Yesterday and's weird because since I did not work out the past two days I have been super hungry....that is weird right? Anyhow, the back feels sort of better, but not 100%...I'm hoping I will be good to go tomorrow. I am so proud of everyone else! Keep up the great work!
  • So I am pretty sure that I will have to sit out today and possibly tomorrow back REALLYhurt last night, so bad that I got in bed at 8pm and did not get out of bed until 11am today. Oh well...good news is I can still walk with little pain so I should be able to get some exercise in. :(
  • Thanks! It hurts so bad.... I went over my calorie goal today too, but it was a completely vegan dinner and moat od the calories came from olive oil!
  • I am rereading some of my posts here and I apologize for the apparent horrible spelling, word choice and grammar issues....I type this on my iPad and the screen is so small I don't notice how awful it is until I have already submitted the reply!
  • Day 7 of Level 1 done....I have to confess I really slacked a bit today, but it wasn't because I wanted I was finishing up the first set of squat and press I felt a terrible pain in the right side of my back from the top of my quad up through my lower back....I can't tell if I pulled something or if it is my…
  • The first time I did Shred last year my right knee was killing me about 6 days in....I was so determined I ignored it and pushed through....two workouts later (workouts in which I did not push 100%) my knee REALLY bad I went to the doc and found out I tore a ligament....I say REST if your leg is bothering you.…
  • I like to make stewed collard, kale and mustard greens with onions and tomatoes....delish!
  • Me too! I totally feel like I am not pushing myself enough if I'm at my target hr.
  • D5. l1 done for me....I initially wanted to use 5 pound weights throughout, but instead I used 3 pounders for just the squat and press and the side lunge with anterior raises...everything else I used did my arms kill! Then, I guess because of the endorphins from Shred, I did Shred it with Weights, level 1 with a…
  • When I was out on maternity leave I would throw my daughter in her stroller or the baby Bjorne and go for a brisk walk...don't know if you live in an area with hills, but i used to blast up the hills as fast as i could....I would also try to do some push ups and crunches while my girl had tummy time.
  • We all fluctuate in weight from day to could be retaining water or something. My suggestion is not to freak out just yet, keep cool and reweigh in a few days....I bet you those extra pounds are really just an anomaly.
  • I know how you can lose some serious weight REAL fast - ditch the guy! Seriously. There are SO many men in this world who would be ABSOLUTELY HONORED to be with you and TURNED ON no matter how much you weigh. And, seriously, your curent height and weight is not "fat."
  • I agree 100%...remember as you lose inches, you are gaining lean muscle which weighs more than that flabby fat we've all been carrying around. Although I am guilty of obsessing over the number on the scale, I know I am losing fat when my clothes are getting less and less tight. Keep it up!
  • Congrats on taking the first step!
  • I too used it last year for three months and lost about 15 pounds or is awesome.
  • I honestly think that you should focus on toning and if by working on that you lose kore weight...then so be it. I would not restrict my calories to a "weight loss" level, but focus on being healthy.
  • I'm using 3 pound weights right now, although I plan on using 5 pounders once I get to day 5 of each level ( I said I'm planning, but don't know if I'll be able to handle it). D4, L1 done! I'm actually feeling pretty good...but my shoulders are dead!
  • D3,L1 done! My legs are just fine, but my arms....forget about it! I will say that I feel totally proud of all of us....even though we're just a few days in we ROCK!
  • Welcome to MFP! Let me tell you, regardless of your size, the key to weight loss is consistency. Although I've only been here for about a week, since I joined MFP I have been exercising every day and counting my calories....find a couple "groups" to join here on the message boards where you have to check in…
  • Just finishing up my 5th day of not binging, although I will confess I am dying to go pour a HUGE bowl of cereal and drown it with milk....the go back for me. I am going to go get a cup of hot tea (no sugar or cream, just tea) and hopefully that will help calm the craving.
  • D2,L1 done! Seems like it went a whole lot quicker than yesterday....gonna push myself to do Yoga Meltdown later. I have too much housework to do to get to itvright now! Keep up the great work ladies!
  • I forgot tomstop by yesterday, but I did make it through day 3...,today will be tough though bc I have no plans....just staying home+getting bored=overeating!
  • Heather I feel shaky too and I am not diabetic! I'm pretty sure it's just how out of shape we are! :laugh: I just finished D1, L1 and I barely cheated ( I kinda slacked on the anterior raises at the end b/c I have really weak shoulders). After I was done I felt so good I decided to do Shred It With Weights! I know, I'm a…
  • I am trying to get back down to my wredding day (10/2005) weight 12 pounds to get there! We can totally do it!
  • To add to what others have said, Make sure you have very supportive cross trainers or other athletic shoes meant for this type of vigorous exercise. I had the same problem, but cleared it up with very good shoes.