

  • I am a busy mom of 4 girls ages 22,20,18 and 6. I found that I have to learn to be selfish until I get the weight off. In the long run, I know this will be best for my family in the long run to have a fit, healthy mom. So my advise is to be selfish, take the time you need to exercise and eat right and where possible have…
    in Hi Comment by tboucounis January 2011
  • Hey, I am new too. I am in the same situation as you and I have 4 girls ages 22, 20, 14 and 6. They are wonderful and supportive. My husband is also supportive, but he isn't concerned about his weight. It would be nice we could work out together. I have to lose about the same amount as you. I am even considering doing the…
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