You've lost 14 pounds in 19 days? That's pretty darn good. I can only do 10 in a month.
By Christmas I'd love to lose another 20, which will put me down 78 pounds.. It'll be a nice even number for me. Does anyone find it gets harder or easier after the 50-60 pounds???
Every time I tell certain older persons how much I've lost (45 lbs) they ask if I plan on doing anymore. Geesh, ofcourse I plan on losing more. I need to lose up to 100 to feel close to goal weight. It's not my fault everyone I know can only lose a few pounds before quitting again. They're just not used to someone sooooo…
This may sound foolish but I remember when I would push furniture around or help move furniture, if there was a candle going or any other artificial fragrance in the air I would get a massive headache. The over exertion and breathing in so deeply would over power me in scent. If you're exercising at home or in a non-scent…
I find just tracking everything I eat and drink to be a big help. It's nice to find out what foods have what calories, fat and sodium, to either take them out or not eat as much. Then you can eat more of the better stuff. I've never done a diet before and I seriously need it. I had a glass of 7-up today...the first I had…