Chigirlhere Member


  • I agree the first cycle is boring as hell. By the way I do the same, I still have my latte in the morning, I can't give up the milk, I did however drop the sugar. I am on day 7, the first 3 days I dropped 6 lbs and now for the past 4 days nothing... I probably need to work out more... The next 5 days will suck I have a…
  • Today is my first day on this diet.... my co-worker lost about 50lbs on this diet and his family is apparently kicking butt on it too! Time to do this :-) Question, I need my latte in the morning. I make it at home, dropping the sugar out but what about the milk? I am not clear whether or not I can use 1% milk in the…
  • Congratulations and keep it up :-)
  • If you can't find it at your store (it's hard to find, at mine they have it with all the Crystal Light stuff etc. but it's easily overlooked) I do know they have a website so if you store doesn't stock it you could probably order it online.
  • I vowed to stay away from artificial sweetener, haven't used it for over a year and it's ok. My reason for doing so was just to keep as many chemicals as possible out of my body, in addition it slowly gets you used to less/ no sugary tasting things. For my water I use "True Lemon" it's crystallized lemon so it's convenient…